The Ivy crawling through the windowpane clutches to the glass frames that rattle in the howling wind, weather warnings for dark stormy night...
If it stays like this, someone's bin's going to blow over.
Aside from playing local shows and rehearsing, the band is part way through booking a tour and we are up to our pyjamas with phone calls in broken french, travelling Europe (via Google Maps) and consuming lots of hot broth.
It feels like being deep in a pile of plans.
I've also been thinking about my Grandfather and listening to coal miner songs.
A Bust that my mother made of my Grandad.
Illustration by Robert Jackson
We are proud to announce we will be supporting Moulettes at the Guild Hall on wed 13th Dec on behalf of Lichfield Arts!
(We have a few FREE TICKETS up for grabs, we can get you in if you get in touch!)
Facebook event page
Listen to Moulettes below:
With a name longer than ours, "Echo Wants her Voice Back" is launching a new single featuring our very own Isaac on cello!
We're playing an intimate Christmas show with some of Bristol's nautical musicians and Jabba on Tuesday Dec 5th
Facebook event page
We also have another Bristol show on the 22nd Dec with Moody Will and the Roll
Amsterdam is on the horizon for Alicia and Robert and with Isaac joining in for a March tour of France leading up to the US trip in May, next year is already looking good for ADT!
Thank you for reading and for sharing this journey with us.
Happy Thanks-Giving,
your fan,
Upcoming shows: